Lockdown Photography Workshops

Lockdown Photography Workshops

Adversity showcases strengths.

This lockdown period from March 23rd 2020 to 8th June 2020 was unique in a lot of ways. While the world as we knew it came to a screeching halt, with a deafening stillness and silence all around, it gave me a view of some very interesting aspects of myself and the world around me. Teaching me the truth about how little one actually needed, to me exploring qualities I never knew I had, to learning an entire gamut of new skills – it was an enriching experience.

I really did stop to smell the coffee – coz honestly, what else did I have to do with my time? Evenings were spent gazing up at the clouds with a cup of chai – and a couple of hours each week were spent organising essentials. While I did miss all the helping hands I have at home in part timers, I also found tremendous joy in working with my hands at tasks that did not require too much brainwork.

The evening post cloud gazing with a cup of chai was spent tossing up a meal that was wholesome and soulful – soulful for the simple reason that it was made with all my attention, and also my love! I’ve spent my life being an overachiever – never knowing how to settle and being amazed at people who seemed blissfully content doing nothing.. for the first time in my entire life, I connected with that bliss.The joy of relishing every moment – (don’t get me wrong, i have experienced and enjoyed being in the moment) –  without the comfort of knowing what came next was confusing as well as strangely settling at the same time.

One of the things that I introduced during lockdown was a phone photography workshop which I had conducted last year multiple times – and very successfully that too at my studio (Capture Life) and in collaboration as well (Concu Begumpet).Only difference here was that I made it even more detailed (from a 1 hour workshop it turned into a 6 hour workshop) and now you would get to see my face from across a screen. Herein lay a challenge for me – I hide from the camera, and being ok with doing a video conference style workshop wasn’t easy at the start.Then the magic happened – I suddenly realised that geographical distances no longer were barriers, and people from Delhi, Ludhiana, Mumbai, and Australia joined me for these.

7 batches and 75 students is what happened next, and each time I got into a role that requires me to teach, the learning in return was immense.I met some wonderful new people, reconnected with old friends, shared this space with kids from 8- 12 years as well in one batch. And my heart is full – and today I choose to stay with that feeling!

Here’s some of that joy in the form of pictures :


3c7cb209 47a9 4f23 be3b 9c54408217d5

530e8abe 6b28 47e0 a9cc 0f2f525e6a12

61732886 c1c9 41ea 8e08 42a7b0b6fe8b

cdd875ff e153 4778 a0ae c249f461f51a

b33b6321 8399 461f 8cae 07d71542cbb0

9b7abc6a 2301 433e aab8 98addd810c5a

b8daed50 6b10 45ca b340 73c9ee303771

e98d5fbd 192a 4b39 b4c0 daea9987fcb1

1bf0deea ac21 437f 9267 b7f50d1bd755

e2ece653 19e4 46ec 9623 580afbf3c88b

ac809778 cf36 40d6 8a69 d4cc722353e7 624bd2c6 c318 47f5 a466 7a70ed029418